Old Bill’s Wire, Stock, and Donor Advised Fund Giving Form

Please noti­fy us of your gift and des­ig­na­tions by com­plet­ing the form below. Once sub­mit­ted, you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion email with the applic­a­ble instruc­tions for mak­ing your wire, stock, or donor advised fund gift.

View the list of Old Bil­l’s par­tic­i­pat­ing non­prof­its here.

If you have ques­tions or need assis­tance, please email donorservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org or call (307) 7391026.

An * indi­cates required fields.

1. Donor Information

Full Name

Additional Contributor's Name

Mailing Address

2. Gift Information

Your selection will update the fields relevant to your gifting approach.

Which institution or bank is initiating the transfer?

Which bank is issuing the wire?

Examples: Fidelity, Schwab Charitable, Morgan Stanley GIFT, etc.

Stock Gifts
Organization Designation(s)

You may also upload a document containing your designations (see Upload button at the bottom of this form).

Total all of the Organization Designation Amount(s)

Stock Valuation Estimate
If there is a difference between your estimated gift total and the actual net sales proceeds, please list the organizations from which the funds should be added/deducted.

3. Optional Information

I wish for this gift to remain anonymous
I do not want written thank-you notes

Accepted file types are JPEG, Word, Excel, and PDF.

Ways to Give