Key Dates

  • 15th August 2025

    START of Giv­ing Sea­son & Launch Party

  • 28th August 2025

    Manda­to­ry Booth Meeting

  • 6th September 2025

    Old Bil­l’s Fun Run

  • 12th September 2025

    End of Giv­ing Season

  • 22nd October 2025

    Awards Cel­e­bra­tion

  • 1st May 2025

    Appli­ca­tion Avail­able for Nonprofits

  • 28th April 2025

    Manda­to­ry Ori­en­ta­tion for New Nonprofits

  • 1st May 2025

    Appli­ca­tion Work Ses­sion 1 at Com­mu­ni­ty Foundation

  • 6th May 2025

    Appli­ca­tion Work Ses­sion 2 at Com­mu­ni­ty Foundation

  • 19th May 2025

    Final Appli­ca­tion Deadline

Old Bill's 2024

The 28th annu­al Old Bil­l’s Giv­ing Sea­son end­ed on Sep­tem­ber 13. The final results from this year’s event will be shared at the Old Bil­l’s Awards Par­ty & Check Pick­up on Octo­ber 23rd (4:30 – 6:30pm) at The Center.

Since 1997, Old Bill’s Fun Run has raised more than $256 mil­lion for local non­prof­its. Each year, funds raised through Old Bill’s touch the lives of every­one in Teton Coun­ty. Read more about the impact that Old Bil­l’s is mak­ing through­out our community.

2024 Participating Nonprofits

Click on the links below to view the par­tic­i­pat­ing non­prof­it website. 

*All funds raised dur­ing Old Bill’s are required to used in Teton Coun­ty for non-reli­­gious, non-polit­i­­cal purposes.

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East­ern Star Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole

Envi­ron­men­tal Health Trust

Erin’s Fund

Hearts for the Hun­gry Lunch Pro­gram- Our Lady of the Mountains*

High Moun­tain Pol­li­na­tors and Bees

Hole Food Rescue

Hon­or­ing Our Veterans

Horse War­riors

Jack­son Bronc Backers

Jack­son Com­mu­ni­ty Recy­cling / Teton Coun­ty ISWR

Jack­son Elite Vol­ley­ball Club

Jack­son Giants Baseball

Jack­son Hole Cen­ter for Glob­al Affairs

Jack­son Hole Cham­ber Music

Jack­son Hole Child Care Helpers

Jack­son Hole Chil­dren’s Museum

Jack­son Hole Chorale, The

Jack­son Hole Clas­si­cal Academy*

Jack­son Hole Cli­mate Action Collective

Jack­son Hole Com­mu­ni­ty Band

Jack­son Hole Com­mu­ni­ty School

Jack­son Hole Con­ser­va­tion Alliance

Jack­son Hole Dri­ving Foundation

Jack­son Hole Farm­ers Mar­ket on the Town Square

Jack­son Hole FC

Jack­son Hole Fire/​EMS Foundation 

Jack­son Hole Food & Wine

Jack­son Hole His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety and Muse­um (now His­to­ry Jack­son Hole)

Jack­son Hole Horse Rescue

Jack­son Hole Inter­na­tion­al Film Festival

Jack­son Hole Jew­ish Community*

Jack­son Hole Juggernauts

Jack­son Hole Kayak Club

Jack­son Hole Lacrosse

Jack­son Hole Land Trust

Jack­son Hole Nordic Alliance

Jack­son Hole Police K‑9 Auxiliary

Jack­son Hole Pride

Jack­son Hole Pub­lic Art

Jack­son Hole Run­ning Club

Jack­son Hole Search Dogs

Jack­son Hole Shoot­ing Sports Foundation

Jack­son Hole Ski & Snow­board Club

Jack­son Hole Ski Patrol Memo­r­i­al Schol­ar­ship Fund

Jack­son Hole Stingrays

Jack­son Hole Sym­pho­ny Orchestra

Jack­son Hole Ther­a­peu­tic Riding

Jack­son Hole Wildlife Foundation

Jack­son Hole Win­ter Won­der­land Ice Rink on the Square

Jack­son Hole Working

Jack­son Hole Wrestling Club

Jack­son Hole Writers

Jack­son Hole Youth Base­ball — Cal Rip­ken Division

Jack­son Hole Youth Basketball

Jack­son Hole Youth Moun­tain Biking

Jack­son Hole Youth Soccer

Jack­son Wild

Jack­son Youth Hockey

Jackson/​Teton Coun­ty Afford­able Hous­ing Department

Jazz Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole

Targhee Music Camp

Teton Adap­tive

Teton Art­lab

Teton Avalanche AAU Basketball

Teton Back Coun­try Horsemen

Teton Back­coun­try Alliance

Teton Botan­i­cal Garden

Teton Climbers’ Coalition

Teton Coun­ty / Jack­son Parks and Recreation

Teton Coun­ty 4‑H

Teton Coun­ty Access to Jus­tice Center

Teton Coun­ty Com­mu­ni­ty Ten­nis Association

Teton Coun­ty Library Foun­da­tion & Friends

Teton Coun­ty Pet Partners

Teton Coun­ty Search and Res­cue Foundation

Teton Coun­ty Sex­u­al & Repro­duc­tive Health Services

Teton Coun­ty Sher­if­f’s Auxiliary

Teton Coun­ty Vic­tim Services

Teton Disc Golf Club

Teton Free Clinic

Teton Freerid­ers

Teton Habi­tat

Teton Junior Golf Association

Teton Lit­er­a­cy Center

Teton Music School

Teton Parkies — A Parkin­son’s Dis­ease Sup­port Group

Teton Rap­tor Center

Teton Sci­ence Schools

Teton Trail Runners

Teton Trust for His­toric Places

Teton Val­ley Ranch Camp

Teton Vil­lage Spe­cial Fire District

Teton Youth and Fam­i­ly Services

Todo TV Foundation

Tran­scen­den­tal Med­i­ta­tion Cen­ter of Jack­son Hole

Trout Unlim­it­ed — Jack­son Hole Chap­ter #051

Tum­ble­weed Cre­ative Arts

Bil­ly Frank Memo­r­i­al Schol­ar­ship, The

Charles Reid Schouboe Memo­r­i­al Scholarship

Dr. Brook Tlougan Med­ical Jour­ney Scholarship

Ted Jonke Memo­r­i­al Soc­cer Scholarship

Young Eagles Flight Train­ing Scholarship

Marketing Assets

Par­tic­i­pat­ing orga­ni­za­tions are encour­aged to use the Old Bill’s logo lead­ing up to and through­out the Giv­ing Sea­son. Down­load the logo files here and refer to the Old Bil­l’s Rules and Pro­ce­dures and Brand Guide for brand­ing and logo usage infor­ma­tion. Web ban­ners / dig­i­tal graph­ics are avail­able for down­load here. Yard signs, posters, brochures, and donor forms are avail­able for pick­up dur­ing the Giv­ing Sea­son at the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion’s office (245 E Simpson).

Con­tact Anne Bradley with any mar­ket­ing questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Join us for Run Day on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 7, 2024, at 9am at Jack­son Ele­men­tary School fields. Old Bill’s Fun Run includes an inter­ac­tive non­prof­it vil­lage with many booths high­light­ing par­tic­i­pat­ing non­prof­its, a 5K and 10K Run/​Walk as well as a high­ly com­pet­i­tive Dia­per Der­by. Win­ners of each race receive prize mon­ey to donate to their favorite non­prof­its. Thanks to the gen­eros­i­ty of our CoChal­lengers, it is free to run or walk in Old Bil­l’s. Click here to reg­is­ter to Run/​Walk.

The Non­prof­it’s Guide to Old Bil­l’s is your one-stop-shop for key dates, social media hash­tag, mar­ket­ing tips and tricks, logos, booth infor­ma­tion, and more. 

Par­tic­i­pat­ing orga­ni­za­tions are encour­aged to use the Old Bill’s logo lead­ing up to and through­out the Giv­ing Sea­son. Down­load the logo files here and refer to the Old Bil­l’s Rules and Pro­ce­dures and Brand Guide for brand­ing and logo usage infor­ma­tion. Web ban­ners / dig­i­tal graph­ics are avail­able for down­load here. Con­tact Anne Bradley with any questions.

The match per­cent­age varies annu­al­ly and is based on the total amount of CoChal­lenger dol­lars raised and the total amount of des­ig­nat­ed con­tri­bu­tions. The first $30,000 of each nonprofit’s des­ig­nat­ed gifts are eli­gi­ble for match­ing, and in recent years, the match­ing grant on these gifts has been approx­i­mate­ly 50%. This means the match­ing grant for each non­prof­it is about $15,000, depend­ing on any giv­en year’s match per­cent­age. All eli­gi­ble par­tic­i­pat­ing orga­ni­za­tions receive the same per­cent of match­ing dol­lars on the first $30,000 in des­ig­nat­ed con­tri­bu­tions they raise.

Click here to login to view your non­prof­its Old Bil­l’s gift report.

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion pro­vides a secure web­page for your orga­ni­za­tion to view your Old Bill’s donations. 

Dur­ing Giv­ing Sea­son, your organization’s des­ig­nat­ed Old Bill’s con­tact will receive an email with your user ID, as well as guid­ance on review­ing dona­tions. The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion staff process­es gifts steadi­ly from the start of the Giv­ing Sea­son through mid-October. 

All gifts are reviewed pri­or to post­ing, includ­ing online dona­tions, which cre­ates a delay between gift receipt and when gifts are vis­i­ble. Note that almost ⅔ of dona­tions arrive in the last week of the Giv­ing Sea­son. Last year, the Foun­da­tion received over $1 mil­lion dol­lars in checks and over $300,000 in cred­it card gifts on the last day. You will be noti­fied when all gifts have been processed. We appre­ci­ate your patience!

  1. Receive and process all gifts to Old Bill’s Fun Run and pro­vide tax receipts to donors
  2. Pro­vide pro­mo­tion­al and mar­ket­ing pres­ence for Old Bill’s Fun Run
  3. Solic­it Co-Chal­lengers and cor­po­rate spon­sors to pro­vide match­ing funds
  4. Pro­duce and exe­cute Old Bill’s Fun Run with the help of com­mu­ni­ty volunteers

Old Bill is the spir­it of gen­eros­i­ty in our com­mu­ni­ty. All par­tic­i­pants in this extra­or­di­nary event are Old Bill!

Qual­i­fy­ing non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming are invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in Old Bill’s Fun Run. See Eli­gi­bil­i­ty details in the Rules & Pro­ce­dures. The 2024 appli­ca­tion peri­od closed on May 20th. Please review the fol­low­ing resources before begin­ning the appli­ca­tion process: