What is a CoChallenger?

CoChal­lengers are a spe­cial group of indi­vid­u­als and busi­ness­es who col­lec­tive­ly con­tribute to the Old Bill’s match pool. CoChal­lengers do not des­ig­nate their gifts for spe­cif­ic non­prof­its, instead sup­port­ing the match­ing grants that all par­tic­i­pat­ing non­prof­its receive and inspir­ing com­mu­ni­ty-wide gen­eros­i­ty. Led by Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill, who donate $500,000 or more annu­al­ly, CoChal­lengers give at lev­els of $25,000, $35,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $150,000 and $250,000.

These dona­tions are key to Old Bil­l’s suc­cess by form­ing the match pool, which is divid­ed up to ampli­fy the funds that all par­tic­i­pat­ing non­prof­its raise, and encour­ag­ing orga­ni­za­tions and donors to come togeth­er in a a sin­gle, uni­fied fundrais­ing event. 

In 2024, non­prof­its were pro­vid­ed with a 66% match­ing grant on des­ig­nat­ed funds raised up to $30,000 — orga­ni­za­tions that raised $30,000 or more in des­ig­nat­ed gifts received a max­i­mum match­ing grant of $19,670 from the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion. The match pool, cre­at­ed with gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill, CoChal­lengers and Friends totaled $5,585,938. The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion fundrais­es the entire­ty of the match pool, which not only pro­vides the match­ing grants, but also sup­ports the Foundation’s Com­mu­ni­ty Grants pro­grams and cov­ers admin­is­tra­tion for the event, mak­ing Old Bill’s free for every­one to participate.

Why become a CoChallenger?

Thank You to our 2024 CoChallengers

Con­firmed CoChal­lengers as of 9/13/2024
Chal­lenge — $1,000,000
Mr. & Mrs. Old Bill 

Dou­ble Black Dia­mond — $250,000
Adri­enne & John Mars
Bill New­ton

Dia­mond — $100,000
Zooey & Lyons Brown
Lan­nie & Bill Hoglund+
Leslie & Chris John­son
Mar­sha & John Klein­heinz
Alice & Rod Moorhead 

Plat­inum — $75,000
Susan & Joe Dav­en­port
Deb­o­rah & Jon Daw­son
Kem­mer­er Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion+
Sev­en Pines Foundation+

Gold Busi­ness — $50,000
Gra­ham-Fau­pel-Menden­hall / Karen Ter­ra & Bob Gra­ham, Julie & Matt Fau­pel, Mack Menden­hall
Huff / Vaughn / Sas­si / Lau­rie & Mer­cedes Huff
Pirate Ship*

Gold — $50,000
Mar­cia Kun­stel & Joe Albright
Lau­rie Andrews & Perk Perkins
Christie & Jon Callaghan
Lisa Car­lin
ET Con­rad Fund*
FK Day
Chris & Ross Hart­ley
Eri­ka Pearsall & Ned Jan­not­ta
Cather­ine & David Loevn­er
Paige & Ian MacLeod*
Mays Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion
Kath­leen McCar­ragher
Stacey & Robert Morse
The Seren­i­ty Fund
Sev­en Pines Foun­da­tion
Dorie & Randy Smith
Karl & Tina Weber Char­i­ta­ble Fund 

Sil­ver Busi­ness — $35,000
Bank of Jack­son Hole
Jack­son Hole Jew­el­ry Co.* 

Sil­ver — $35,000
Lau­ra Buhl
Nan­cy & Dick Col­lis­ter
Mary Anne Cree, In Memo­ri­am
Susan Cross­er Estate Memo­r­i­al Fund
Peg­gy & Kirk Dav­en­port
Mar­got Snow­don & Yves Des­gouttes
Lisa & Are Friesecke
Sanae Ishikawa & Richard Geor­gi
Marne & Ed Hol­stein
Katharine Conover-Keller & Fred Keller
Glo­ria & Richard Kushel
Janine & David Lloyd
Julie & Hugh O’Halloran+
Shirley & Paul Piper
Car­o­line & Ken Tay­lor
Ro & Sandy Thomp­son*
Janet & Bob Whit­mire
Lucy Wild & Jason Wolff

Bronze Busi­ness — $25,000
Crys­tal Creek Cap­i­tal
Four Sea­sons Jack­son Hole
Hotel Jack­son*
Osprey Bev­er­ages
Perse­phone and Pic­nic*
PURE Insur­ance and Hub Insur­ance*
Snake Riv­er Roast­ing and Out­post*
Wells Far­go
Wil­low Street
Zions Bank

Bronze — $25,000
Val & Dick Beck
Sarah & Tim Belk
Den­nis & Car­ol Berry­man*
Erin & Bran­don Black
Kather­ine & Bill Bur­ford
Liz & David Chan­dler
Car­ly & Clay­ton Christo­pher
Suzanne & Jef­frey Cohodes
Kel­ly & George Davis*
Leah Miss­bach Day
Bet­ti Deutsch*
Cather­ine & Jeff Dish­n­er
Nisha & Steve DuBois
Nan­cy & Rolf Engh
Julia & Thomas Rit­son Fer­gu­son
Deirdre & Vance Grif­fith
Judy Hof­flund & Tom Hansen
Mon­i­ca Erick­son & Philippe Hartl
Renee & Mark Havens*
Tanya Heath­man*
Vic­ki & Alan Hen­der­son*
Jane & Tom Hill
Mis­sy & David Hoster
John Hur­ley
Cindy & Evan Jones
Elis­a­beth & Chan­soo Joung
Rita Zetter­berg & Jim Kaplan
Cathy Kehr & Remy Levy
David Lan­des & Fam­i­ly
Live Oak Fund
Tam­my & John MacWilliams
Hon­o­ra Kerr & Jason Moment
Matt Mur­phy
Nin­er Fam­i­ly
Marge Ord­way
Sta­cy & Jared Pobre
Dakin Sloss
Pat­ti Stan­car­one
KK & Jamie Streator
Ran­di Levine & Jeff Tren­ton
The Tri­fec­ta Fund
Jay Var­ley
Kae & Ben Wal­lace
Suzanne & John Willian
Sasha & Mike Zolik 

* indi­cates new, + indi­cates increased


CoChallenger Close Up: Mercedes and Laurie Huff

Mer­cedes Huff and her daugh­ter, Lau­rie, have been involved in Old Bill’s in var­i­ous ways since the event’s incep­tion in 1997. Mer­cedes and her part­ners in the Sothe­by’s Real Estate firm Huff, Vaughn, Sas­si have sup­port­ed Old Bill’s as CoChal­lengers for over fif­teen years.

The first Old Bill’s Fun Run took place when I was 9 or 10 years old,” Lau­rie remarked. I can remem­ber it vivid­ly. I remem­ber par­tic­i­pat­ing on behalf of the Jack­son Hole Ski and Snow­board Club. I was rais­ing aware­ness for a non­prof­it that I was a part of.” When Lau­rie returned to Jack­son after col­lege, she decid­ed to join Mer­cedes by par­tic­i­pat­ing in Old Bill’s as a CoChallenger. 

Mer­cedes and Lau­rie rec­og­nize the impor­tance of the lega­cy they are cre­at­ing by sup­port­ing the community’s non­prof­its through Old Bill’s. It’s impor­tant to lead by exam­ple,” Mer­cedes said. When peo­ple see that we are par­tic­i­pat­ing in Old Bill’s, they might be inspired to get involved too. It’s an excel­lent way to learn what’s real­ly going on in the com­mu­ni­ty.” Giv­ing back to the Jack­son com­mu­ni­ty is a fam­i­ly val­ue that Lau­rie and her hus­band, Collin Vaughn, are hop­ing to instill in their daughters. 

Our girls came to Old Bill’s in a stroller last year,” Lau­rie commented. We hope they will con­tin­ue being involved and sup­port­ing this event for years to come.”

Total Funds Raised to Date


Thanks to CoChallengers...

  • Non­prof­its receive 100% of des­ig­nat­ed con­tri­bu­tions and pay no admin­is­tra­tive fee to participate
  • Over 200 orga­ni­za­tions enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly coop­er­ate in a uni­fied fundraiser
  • A por­tion of the match pool pro­vides addi­tion­al grant fund­ing for non­prof­its through­out the year via the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion’s Com­mu­ni­ty Grant pro­grams.
  • Old Bil­l’s con­tin­ues to grow, with 1 in 3 house­holds in Jack­son participating!

2024 Friends of the Match

$5,000 — $24,999
Nicole & William Abrams
Mick­ey Bab­cock
Jan & Chuck Davis
Chuck Fleis­chman
Anna & Antho­ny Hass
Deb­bie & John Hechinger
Irene & Alan Lund
Chris­tine Watkins & John Nixon
Melanie Nuss­dorf
The O’Neil Foun­da­tion
Suzanne Salz­mann Memo­r­i­al Old Bil­l’s Endow­ment
Miri­am & Ger­ry Scul­ly
Thurs­day Roundtable 

$1,000 — $4,999
Pegi & Kent Bernard
Blue Bear Cap­i­tal
Mary & Ken Bur­din
Jane & John Carey
Karen & Jim Cole­man
Susan Dong & Arne Johan­son
Great North­ern Cof­fee Com­pa­ny
Lisa & Stephen Nes­bitt
Sto­ry Clark Resor & Bill Resor
Ter­ry & Bert Romberg
Tina & Ernst Sack
Sue & Buck Wood­ford
Nan­cy & Dan Yih 

$100 — $999
Anony­mous (5)
Bar­bara & Bill Adams
Yana, Grif­f­en & Rich Ander­son
Car­olyn & Jim Augé
Eve Bar­nett
Pat­ti Berlin
Amy & Herb Brooks
Yves Des­gouttes
Susan & Paul Div­jak
Car­rie & Jake Ellkins
Elaine Gar­rett
Sarah Beninga & Clay Geittmann
Peg Gil­day & Maho Hakoshi­ma
Con­nie & John Hansen
Chel­cie Jonke
Chris & Paul Kadue
Car­ol & Cur­tis Kayem
Becky & Ted Kim­mel
Jeff Kop­key
Patri­cia & Daniel Lan­dis
Lea Bon­necaze & Ian Lev­en­son
Car­ole & Ed Liebzeit
Matt & Erin Lusins
Elise & Jim Mahaffie
Bev & Ed McIl­nay
Joan­na Slo­nec­ka & Hank McK­in­nell
Mary & Arthur Miller
Mor­gan Prop­er­ties
Pad­mave­da LLC
Biba & Jon Park­er
Nan­cy & Bruce Pas­field
Lisa & Scott Pier­son
Lind­sey & Steve Rainier
Annie & Travis Rid­dell / Jack­son Pedi­atrics
Car­olyn & Andy Ripps
Elis­a­beth Rohrbach
Rowe CPA Group LLC
Mary & Dave Ryan
Mag­gie & Bri­an Schilling
Jane Squires
Pat­ty & Dan Starr
William Stat­ter
Adria & Jeff Stines
Bet­ty Ter­rill
Pauline Tow­ers-Dyke­man
Ann Tram­mell
Berniece & Harold Turn­er
War­ren Van Gen­deren
Vista Coun­sel­ing / La Famil­ia Coun­sel­ing
Lucin­da Abbé & James Warn­er
June Nys­trom & Ron Weber
Karen Wilbrecht

$1 — $99
Anony­mous (3)
Bar­bara & Ger­ald Aronowitz
Lau­ren Bain
Gene­va Chong & Dave Bar­nett
San­dra Gilley & Dar­win Bell
Cecil­ia & Frank Bellinghiere
Eliz­a­beth Cog­burn Birnie & Bren­don Birnie
Helen Bish­op
Bison Wealth Man­age­ment
Anne & Clay Bradley
Kelsey, Cilantro, Fin & Hank Brehm
Irene Brinker­hoff
Luna Bur­gos
Shawn & Mike Daus
Eileen & Averell Eis­ner
Maryellen & Don Frank
Gwenn Gil­day
Leslie & Philip Gura
Car­ol & John* Hark­ness
Emma & Jef­frey Kail
Kim Day & Jim Kleine
Diane & Michael Lenich
Marge Lin­gen­fel­ter
Amy & For­rest McCarthy
Dani Pevy
Judy & Ray Pil­grim
Eliz­a­beth Robin­son
Jen­nifer & Steve Scott
Katie & Thomas Smits
Logan Stiehl
Sarah & Jim Sul­li­van
Nan­cy Vick
Cathy & Robert Wikoff
Katie Ziem

Become A CoChallenger

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about becom­ing a CoChal­lenger? Please con­tact us to set up a per­son­al­ized meet­ing and begin the process!